Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Fashion Sense

Based on a true story.
Went shopping with my mom at Macy's or something and bought a shirt that I thought looked good at the time.
When it came time to wear it, I realized it didn't actually look all that good.
Sad times.

Monday, June 27, 2011


I discovered /r/nosleep yesterday and spent a good chunk of my day reading the stories on there.
I found all that stuff extremely interesting actually.
But I didn't get much sleep last night ;_;.
Especially sucks that I have to get up to work when the sun rises.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Convo with my mom.
Pastaaaaaaaaaaaaa! (/Italy)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Coffee Flavored Coffee

I drink coffee for the caffeine, not the taste (coffee tastes grosssss!).
How to make it taste better?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Flowers! It's summer!

So I wandered out to the Horticulture Garden on campus and snapped some photos. Not too much in bloom, but I found a few flowers that were really pretty. I also have a fun example below that I'll explain.

So these red flowers were incredibly bright, I'm not a fan of how strong the red is, it's overpowering, but I had trouble reducing it to a decent level. Still, a very pretty red for a flower.

It's hard to tell in this photo, but these flowers are actually blue and purple, I almost missed it when I was walking by.

Raw photo     /    Edited photo

Now these two are the exact same photo, and it's tough to tell without a full screen version, but this is one of the advantages to shooting in 'raw' format. Most cameras just save photos as JPEGs, but most DSLRs also can save in a 'raw' format. For my Canon, it's .CR2. The benefit is that I can edit a much wider range of settings than a JPEG without losing quality. Some of the major edits that are present: color correction, light balancing, lens correction, noise reduction, sharpening, detail recovery, and fill lighting. All of that comes together to tweak parts of the photo that were slightly skewed.

Open up both of them in tabs and click back and forth between then and you can see the major changes.

To list a few fixes that you can look for yourself: The flower petals on the left side were overexposed and too bright, I tried to restore some of that color and detail. The center of the flower was too bright/saturated with color, I reduced that and balanced it to be more appealing. I also added some light to the right side to give it a bit more balance across the flower. It's not a great photo, but it's a good example of how a 'meh' photo can be improved with RAW editing.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I found my old digivice toy from when I was 10 the other day.
Next time I go to walmart, I'm getting batteries for this mofo.
Oh, the good 'ole days~

Monday, June 13, 2011

Achievement Unlocked!

I never wear heels so I have a hard time walking in them.
But after wearing heels to work everyday for about two weeks, I realized when I was trying on shoes that I can walk in them now!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I've been gone a while!

Ladies, gentlemen, children, I have been away for far too long!

I apologize for not keeping a steady posting schedule with my photos, but to be honest, without having a daily schedule of classes to get me out of the house, I've found it very hard to maintain a constant shooting regiment. I have collected a few photos over the course i've been gone from posting, and I will begin to post those soon. However, I will NOT be posting at regular intervals until school starts again, since it's harder to manage a timeline without a regular schedule. I will definitely try to put out 2 photos a week though, and like always, the facebook page will post a notification as well. ^_^

To satisfy you all for now, I have a few photos I have finished editing to post!

In the effort of saving time, I'm not going to upload them to blogger, they are already on flickr.

A decent flower spread that you can use as a background if you so please. (if you want to use it, i can make a more exact resize for you, just ask.)

From that same photo, in the center is a bee on the flower. It's a tiny little guy to spot given the size of the photo. But here he is as well:

The last photo is a fun example of depth of field and bokeh all rolled into one. Taken as close as I could go, you can see that the front pines are out of focus, and so are the pines a few inches back. Taken at f/1.8, my depth of field is extremely small at close ranges. This allows me to do extreme levels of isolation. Additionally, you can see the rings of light in the top left, which is a nice example of smooth bokeh. The more circular, the better 'quality' the bokeh is. Mine is a middle range quality, but at this focal distance, it's pretty smooth.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Scanning Problems

Working an internship 9-6 M-F.
I scan receive files, take it apart, scan papers and put the papers back in order and I actually enjoy this kind of mundane work as long as I'm busy!
The scanners are jerkbags though. Usually it'll be okay but sometimes it'll pull in the paper at an angle and scrunch it all up. Or it'll pull 2-3 sheets of paper through at a time and go "LOL MAH BAD. SCAN AGAIN?"
Also, the scanner scans both sides of the paper as it goes through, which sounds fantastic unless the ink soaks through to the other side of the paper or if the paper is folded so the creases are dark enough for the scanner to pick up and the program that comes along with the scanner won't let us rotate, change the order or delete scanned papers.
The scanner will also detect which direction the stuff printed on the paper is facing and do its best to turn it rightside up. But sometimes it's a jerk and flips perfectly fine papers upside down.
And there's nothing I can do about it >:C

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Justin and I kinda recently started playing LoL.
While Justin caught on fairly quickly, I didn't so much. I had plenty of games with no kills and tons of deaths. Also, I never knew you could click so much in one game!