Monday, May 30, 2011

Beach Trip!

My besties and I went on a beach trip last week.
More time was spent taking pictures and watching TV/playing LA Noire than beaching.
Also, there was lots of cooking.
But a fantastical trip nonetheless <3

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

No Carb Diet

Kristen put pretty much everyone I know on a no carb diet. The results ^
After about a week Justin and I changed it to a low carb diet.
I was cranky and hungry allllllllll the time.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Official Reaction

Our exact reactions upon hearing the news that Osama was dead.
Also, /b/ had some pretty great reaction threads :B
Followed by the whole "AMERICAAAAAAAAAAAAA, FUCK YEAH" song.
And apologies for not updating for roughly a week. I'll hopefully keep updating on schedule for the rest of summer! :3

Monday, May 2, 2011


I had a comic idea and everything but my tablet is being stupid and will only draw thick, blocky lines.
Srsly, Tablet. WTF.