Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Oh, mannnn I love heels but I really suck at walking around in them.
I have a couple pairs of nice stilettos that I really like but I never wear them because I'm not confident that I can get out the car and walk to wherever I need to be without tripping and falling on my face and ruining my knees.
The few pairs I do have that I can walk around decently in I have to walk really slow.
It's pretty jarring for other people that usually walk with me because my normal pace is pretty quick.

Weird Eyes

This thing with my eyes only happens in the mornings and only lasts an hour or two.
Not entirely sure what causes it and what makes it go away.

2016 Update

2016 is over halfway over and I have done nothing with my life.
I always wanted bubble tape as a child because it was the coolest thing ever.
Turns out it doesn't taste so great but it's good for bubbles.